Three of Pentacles: Teamwork
Though I am not American, today felt like an important day. I spent a lot of it passively tuned into to the inauguration ceremony of the new President and Vice President of the United States. What really stuck out at me was all the traditions and all the symbolism. It’s interesting how symbols are a means of communicating things we’ve learnt from our past experiences, while also sending a message of what we want for our future.
An important part of working together is actually stepping outside of yourself, and putting your individualism aside long enough to fit into a bigger picture (whatever goal the team is trying to accomplish). Collective experiences like today, help do that. You see an entire government coming together as a collective, making promises for a shared vision of the future. I know I am an idealist, but I do hope that the message of unity holds true for the U.S. and that at the very least steps are made towards some progress.
What you see: A monk, a nun and a sculptor stand within a church, with the former two watching the latter put finishing touches on a piece of work. The monk and nun appear to be holding the plans for the design. Above them are three pentacles engraved into an arch.
What it means: Three is generally the number associated with completion, and from the body language of the figures on this card we glean that their project is almost done. They also appear to be collaborating successfully, as each has a specific role to play.
The story: The Three of Pentacles represents teamwork; collaboration as you work towards a common goal or with a shared purpose.
Reversed meaning: Reversed, the card represents a lack of cohesion and collaboration, misaligned goals or conflict within a team.
Reflection: Though the card appears dark, the story within is entirely different. It’s also interesting to note that the three players clothes represent their unique roles — it tells me that though they have different skills and responsibilities and that diversity is what makes them successful in their creative endeavour.
My research sources:
A Complete Guide to the Tarot, Eden Gray, 1970
Tarot Card Meanings, Biddy Tarot
Card Meanings, Labyrinthos
Root Lock Radio: A Tarot Podcast