Queen of Wands: Confidence and Courage
My first day back at work after a short break turned out to be a good one — busy enough without being stressful, and full of great conversations. But the highlight of my day was a wonderful catch-up session with three people I love dearly, and who always leave me feeling all kinds of warm and fuzzies (the best ones do this).
With the Queen of Wands in the back of my mind all day, it occurred to me that these three women not only embody the things represented in this card, they actually empower you (me) with these qualities: confidence, independence, courage and a kindness and generosity that is nurturing.
What you see: The Queen enrobed in yellow sits on her throne, with a sunflower in her left hand and a wand in her right. She wears a gold crown and a white cape with a cat brooch. A tapestry hangs behind her with two painted sunflowers, a red rose and two lions. Two more lion statues form the arms of her throne, on either side. A black cat sits in front on the throne. Three pyramids once again appear in the background.
What it means: The lions represent fire and strength but also the Queen’s domain over the most powerful animals and nature (the sunflowers). The sunflowers also represent fertility, growth and happiness. The black cat often associated with occultism symbolizes her darker, shadow nature.
The story: The Queen of Wands represents confidence, independence and courage, as well as the ability to nurture and share love; all these qualities are related in that they are the ingredients to success and/or fulfillment.
Reversed meaning: Reversed, the card represents introversion or a domineering presence, but could also signify low confidence and selfishness.
Reflection: This card particularly empowering for women. The expression on the Queen’s face has both power and kindness in it. I think the takeaway in this card is that truly great leaders lead with love — nothing else trumps this.
My research sources:
A Complete Guide to the Tarot, Eden Gray, 1970
Tarot Card Meanings, Biddy Tarot
Card Meanings, Labyrinthos
Root Lock Radio: A Tarot Podcast