Page of Wands: Unbridled Inspiration

Tarot Stories
2 min readDec 7, 2020

I’m officially on vacation today and one of the things I had planned to do was to pull out my watercolours and calligraphy pens and create something. Picking the Page of Wands this morning was a nice surprise because one of the things I’ve been struggling with all year is creative block. Putting my calligraphy business on hold for a year has put the onus on me to create my own projects (rather than depending on my clients).

I won’t beat myself up for not picking up my materials in 9 months. And I won’t put pressure on myself to do something today — I already have a list of chores and other less fun things to spend my vacation doing. However, I will carry this card around in the hopes that maybe I pick up my pen at some point today and move it around, even if it’s to just run drills.

Page of Wands from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

What you see: The Page stands in profile dressed in finery (in yellows and reds) and holding a wand, with the desert in the background. There are coiled salamanders on his tunic and on his head he wears a hat with a red feather.

What it means: The Page is dressed in fiery colours that indicate passion and energy. The salamanders on his tunic are associated with fire and magic, emphasizing the creative potential in the page, and his ability to make something even when the barren landscape gives him nothing.

The story: The Page of Wands represents inspiration and new ideas; the inclination to give anything and everything a go, with an energy and fearlessness that is sure to lead somewhere.

Reversed meaning: Reversed, the card indicates an inability to act on new ideas or a struggle to feel inspired and self-limiting beliefs that constrain you.

Reflection: The first thing you notice about this card is how lavishly the Page is dressed which contrasts with his backdrop: an arid desert. This signifies the ability of this youth to pull inspiration even when it seems like there is nothing stimulating around. I believe with a curious mind you never do encounter a situation that doesn’t have the potential to inspire you.

My research sources:
A Complete Guide to the Tarot, Eden Gray, 1970
Tarot Card Meanings, Biddy Tarot
Card Meanings, Labyrinthos
Root Lock Radio: A Tarot Podcast



Tarot Stories

A Canadian marketing strategist learning storytelling through the Tarot, and maybe finding the meaning of life along the way.